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Miss Celine Castelino, Chairperson and Trustee. Celine, a retired teacher, handles the Mumbai office.Mr. Anil Moniz, Director and Trustee. Anil is an Automobile Engineer who uses his extensive knowledge of electricity, plumbing, masonry and carpentry to keep the Institute on its feet and running smoothly. He has been with the Institute since 1986.Mrs. Shana Moniz, Asst. Director and Trustee. Shana is native to the area where the Institute is located, and is well versed in farming practices. She has trained on the job, and has been with the Institute since 1985.
Shuchita Moniz
Ashank Moniz
Mr. Navnit Pawar, a former inmate, is now the ‘Man Friday’ of the Institute!Shuchita Moniz, Bachelor of Arts (who will be pursuing her MSW) handles the office and accounts. She also administers medication to the inmates and is actively involved in overall supervision of operations.Ashank Moniz is pursuing college. He spends his free time helping out at the Institute, putting his hand to anything and is willing to help with the inmates day or night. Both Shuchita and Ashank are motivated by their grandparents and parents.